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Tweezers For Mobile Gadget Laptop and computer Repairing by srfrz

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Store: Malik TELECOME

Tweezers For Mobile Gadget Laptop and computer Repairing

  • Stainless steel
  • Non Megnatic Tweezers

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Tweezers are tools used for picking up objects too small to be easily handled with the human  fingers.

The tool is most likely derived context they are normally pincers, or scissors like pliers used to grab or hold objects since the down of recorded history.

In a scientific or medical context make are normally referred to as forceps.

tweezers make use of two third-class levers connected at one fixed end the fulcrum point of each lever with the pincers at the others.

People commonly use tweezers mainly for tasks such as plucking hair from or eyebrows, offend using the term eyebrow tweezers.

Other common uses for tweezers are as a tool to manipulate small objects, including for example small, particularly surface-mount, electronic parts, and small mechanical parts for models and precision mechanisms. Stamp collectors use tweezers stamp tong to handle postage stamps which, while large enough to pick up by hand, could be damaged by handling, the jaws of stamp tongs are smooth. One example of a specialized use is picking out flakes of gold in gold panning. Tweezers are used in kitchens for food presentation to remove bones from fillets of fish in a process know as pin boning.

Weight 2.1 kg
Dimensions 122 × 145 × 321 cm

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